Top 7 Business Books for Women Leaders

If you're anything like me, you LOVE learning...

by Hannah Riopelle

12/5/20232 min read

books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf

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If you're anything like me, you LOVE learning from others about what's working in their lives, and you hate reinventing the wheel. As a working mom, I'm intrigued by the journeys of others.

If you're looking for your next great read, and are wanting to develop some new skills along the way, look no further! Here are 7 phenomenal business books for women leaders:

happier hour book by cassie holmeshappier hour book by cassie holmes
radical inclusion book by david moinina sengehradical inclusion book by david moinina sengeh
atlas of the heart book by brené brownatlas of the heart book by brené brown
the book of boundaries by melissa urbanthe book of boundaries by melissa urban
like, comment, subscribe book by mark bergenlike, comment, subscribe book by mark bergen
quitting: a life strategy book by julia kellerquitting: a life strategy book by julia keller
run to win book by stephanie schriockrun to win book by stephanie schriock